About Rob
I'm Rob Abram, the angry looking guy in the videos. I'm not really angry, but it's hard to keep a constant smile on while juggling for a video camera in my basement. I'm really much happier than I look in the videos!
I first learned to juggle at the University of Michigan. A friend in my dorm was juggling one day and I asked him to teach me. It took me about a week to learn the three ball cascade. After that I borrowed another friend's copy of Juggling for the Complete Klutz and learned a couple more tricks. I joined the U of M juggling club and by my sophomore year, I was riding down the halls of my dorm on a unicycle.
Three ball juggling is my favorite, but I also enjoy juggling and passing clubs, and I do a little devil sticking. I've never performed formally, but I occasionally do demonstrations for kids around town. What you see on the videos is about the extent of my juggling ability. I occasionally get requests to add tricks such as Rubenstein's Revenge and have to admit that I can't do Rubenstein's Revenge.
I live in Alpena, Michigan where I teach math to eighth graders at Thunder Bay Junior High. I'm married to Nancy who teaches science to the same students. We have two children, eight year old Allison and Bryan who is five.
Besides being the advisor of the Wildcat Jugglers, I enjoy using my Macintosh computer, gardening, and hunting.